What? You say you’re already two episodes into this season of The Walking Dead and you can’t get enough of that sweet, sweet ultraviolence? Miss the satisfying pop as a shovel separates a walker’s head from his spinal cord? Wish Shane, Merle or the Govenor was still around because they helped to reinforce the idea that evil doesn’t come in an airborne virus or a shuffling, hungry horde, but rather through the way we treat our fellow man?
Still happy Andrea’s dead?
Then watch this mash up where The Walking Dead meets The Monster Mash and all will be well. At least until you start to get the zombie apocalypse DTs next Sunday – for that I’ll recommend whiskey. It always stops my hands from shaking, especially if I’m trying to whack my neighbor’s kid a zombie in the head with a shovel. Precision is everything.
Via The Mary Sue.