Unspeakable Horror, Now In Color!: H. P. Lovecraft’s Drawings of The Elder Things

hello_cthulhu-1191193306Ever wonder what the Elder Things from H. P. Lovecraft’s At The Mountains of Madness really looked like? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

The Elder Things looked kinda like giant pteridophytes: about six feet tall, barrel-shaped, with a main body that was leathery and dark-grey, with four-foot long tentacles ending in greenish eight-inch fins on the posterior side, with a yellowish mouth / breathing apparatus at the anterior end, surrounded by more reddish tentacles. And when those tentacles aren’t reaching out for your sanity, they’re folded down to its body.

And I know what you’re thinking: “Rob,” you’re thinking, “How do you have such an accurate knowledge of what these horrible creatures looked like? It’s almost like you have a picture!” Well, funny story: I do. Straight from the man himself.

Lovecraft made at least seven pages of notes in preparation for the writing of At The Mountains of Madness, including one scribbled on the back of an envelope (the only thing more appropriate would be if it was scrawled on a cocktail napkin) that included Lovescraft’s original drawing of an Elder Thing, with a bunch of descriptive notes about the beast. And those notes don’t just include dimensions, but the effects that seeing the thing would have on normal Earthlings, like: “Utter mystery + horror,” “DOGS DISTURBED… DOGS FRANTIC,” and the particularly cryptic (and creepy) isolated note: “mouths & eyes.”

All these pages are currently on public display at an exhibit named The Shadow Over College Street: H. P. Lovecraft in Providence at the Providence Athenaeum in Lovecraft’s home town of Providence, Rhode Island until September 22nd, and what with Providence being less than an hour from the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office, we might be taking this exhibit in sometime this month.

But if you’re not local to New England, there’s no need to book a flight to get a look at Lovecraft’s official visual version of the Elder Things; you can check it out for yourself right after the jump.

Just crate your dogs before you click the link.


Click to see full sized… but to view it full sized might drive a man mad… Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn… has anyone seen my bourbon…

(via Slate)