Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Young Justice: Invasion on Cartoon Network are over now, cancelled apparently due to the low sales of associated toys and DVDs… although to be fair to fans of the shows like me, I would be more than happy to buy a decent high definition Blu-Ray version of either show. Blu-Rays that do not currently, you know, exist. Some of us are adults, people at Warner Bros. Animation, and are not moved by a ten-buck, standard definition “volume” of a couple of episodes in the way, say, a mother looking to buy something that will shut their child up for a Goddamned minute might be.
But regardless, what’s done is done. The shows are cancelled, to be replaced with, well, some crap… although is seems that no one told the respective creators, since each series ended with a massive tease: Young Justice ended with a reveal of Darkseid, and Green Lantern showed Red Lantern Razer flying off into the void, looking for his lost love Aya… with a Blue Lantern ring following him into the darkness.
Ending on what amounts to cliffhangers is a hell of a thing… but Jake Castorena, a storyboard artist at Warner Bros. Animation, took some pity on fans by at least extrapolating what might have been in a Green Lantern season two. It ain’t much, but it’s a small balm to show us what we might have been in for, while we wait in resignation for a cartoon about bubble-shaped Teen Titans making puns about defecation. And it’s available after the jump.
And here’s the full-sized picture if your browser hates Twitter embeds:
Yeah, that might have been awesome… now please feel free to go here to watch a trailer of the upcoming Teen Titans Go, where they vow to attack and destroy lunch meat. I am not kidding.
(via Newsarama)