As I type this, NORAD tells me that Santa is rounding the edges of Senegal. Rob is off visiting his parents in Central Florida. I hear he narrowly survived a trip to a local Walmart. Narrowly. Did you know that Super Walmarts have a whole grocery store section? Did you know those grocery stores sell produce? Kumquats, for example. Rob learned this today. His parents also learned not to take him to a Super Walmart that sells kumquats because, in the fatigue hysteria that follows him after air travel, Rob will run around the produce section shrieking, “Look, Ma! Kumquats!” until he causes all the other Rascal Scooter bound patrons to begin to reach for their nitroglycerin pills and Jitterbugs, with their big red 911 button. So, basically, once. I hear that he and his family are out riding around “looking at Christmas lights in the neighborhood”, but I think that’s code for “finding proper sedation”.
This leaves me to tell you that this…

…is the end of our broadcast day. As you can see it’s a small take this week, as there were not many releases. But, there are a couple interesting things there. The Doctor Who Special 2013 is out, just in time for the Doctor Who Christmas episode tomorrow. Kieron Gillen and Adam Kubert’s Origin II, the next chapter in the the Wolverine backstory is out. Avengers: Rogue Planet #1 from Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic and Justice League #26 from Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis round out the take.
I had thought to put up a review of Origin II #1 up tonight, but, after reading the issue, I want to give it at least another issue to see where it’s going to go. I’m in the camp that was underwhelmed by Paul Jenkins’s much hyped Origin. I get that the character is wildly popular and will move a lot of units, regardless of the what story they actually come up with, and I’m sure Marvel is happy to capitalize on that, but with every new marketing opportunity story, you run the risk of over exposure. However, Gillen is a very talented writer, who has done great things with B list titles like Journey Into Mystery, so I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Issue #1 is not a bad read and Kubert’s art is solid, so, go ahead and grab the issue if you were interested in the series, but on the fence.
Anyway, even with that one issue down, you all know the rest of the drill. Before we can review them, we have to read the rest of them. Merry Christmas to those of you that are celebrating tomorrow. I’m off to give myself a hangover in preparation for the upcoming day’s festivities.