So by now you’ve probably heard: Zack Snyder has cast Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor in Batman Vs. Superman.
Sure, he also cast Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth – my co-Editor Amanda just said, “Yes!” when she heard that casting choice – but nobody’s panties are in a twist over Jeremy Irons. No, half the Internet has gone berserk over the idea of dorky Columbus from Zombieland playing Superman’s arch-nemesis. Of course, this is the same Internet that threw a rod when Superman killed a guy at the end of Man of Steel, and is completely missing the awesome possibilities that that choice opens up vis-a-vis Jesse Eisenberg, but that’s not the point right now.
The point is that, even though I am personally disappointed – when the botched report that Bryan Cranston was cast came out last year, I was as excited as anyone else, as I think he’d be a killer Luthor – I think that Eisenberg actually could be a good and interesting choice to play Lex Luthor.
It all depends on which Lex Luthor we’re talking about here… and I’m guessing it’s not one we’ve ever seen before.