Police Sketch: Francesco Francavilla’s True Detective Fan Art

francavilla_true_detective_2Here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office, we have the full-boat cable TV package of all channels. This is because we are members of Generation X, which is the final generation to remember watching three channels of broadcast television as we waited for some cable TV provider to string coaxial to our doors. And even after the cable made it our door, many of us had the basic package while our peers saw tits and ass via Porky’s on HBO, because our parents were too cheap to subscribe to the good stuff. So now that we are adults, we not only get all the channels, but we tell our parents that we do and how much it costs. And we tell them that we’re finding the extra money in our “Mom and Dad Nursing Home” fund, so they know that when they’re slapped into a cut-rate home, they know it could have been avoided with a simple Skinemax subscription in 1983.

Not only do we have all the cable channels, but we have a top-of-the-line TiVo – not the cheapjack cable company no-name DVR like my parents use to try to save a few bucks to stave off the inevitable transfer into a place where medication is used so that state investigators don’t find restraint bruises on their wrists, but the real deal – with three terabytes of recording space, and enough tuners to record six programs at once.

All of which is a long way to go to say that we record a lot of television, not all of which we can watch in a timely manner. And one of the programs that we have been recording is True Detective, the Woody Harrelson / Matthew McConaughey show on HBO where they play two cops with dark sides investigating a possible serial murder. We watched the first episode and enjoyed it, but have allowed the following three episodes to stack up, thinking we’ll get to it eventually.

Well, “eventually” might have to come sooner rather than later. Because Francesco Francavilla, one of my favorite artists, has started releasing some fan art posters for the show on his Tumblr. Now, not only do we love Francavilla’s art (he’s gonna be a guest at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, and if he’s got a presence on the floor, that’s where my art budget’s going this year), but the guy has impeccable taste in television. And when he really likes a show, he does fan posters. He did them for Breaking Bad, so the fact that he’s doing the for True Detective is high praise indeed.

What? You want to see these posters without having to look for them? Some detective you are. You can check ’em out after the jump.



Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some True Detective to watch. And after that, I need to call my Mom and ask her if her shit’s packed, and to remind Dad that if he doesn’t show the orderlies his hands, they’ll give him the taser.