Brain Bleach – Santa The Hutt

I’m just going to leave this here:

SantaThe Hutt


So, anyway, that not enough Star Wars Christmas cheer for you? There’s more, after the jump.

What to get the Star Wars fan who has everything? How about Han Solo’s actual blaster from The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi? If you’ve got at least $200,000 to burn, since that’s where bidding starts, head on over to the auction page at and stake your claim. Here’s what your children’s college funds will net you:


Ignore your family on Christmas Day, as you spend hours upon hours pointing it at your Greedo action figure shrieking, “I shot first, bitch!” They shouldn’t have any kind of problem with that, after all, if they wanted their own cool shit they should get a job and save up for their own Han Solo blaster, right? It’s not like they have anything else to do now that you’ve spent the college money, amiright? Anyone? Anyone?

Via Neatorama.