Your Killers Come As Your Friends

I swear to God, I intended to write and publish a review of one of this week’s new comics today.

I had good intentions. I made sure to leave early to get to my local comic store, where they know me by name and generally ask me to not show up at unexpected times, when customers who aren’t used to me might be there, because the owner was planning to close early for the American Thanksgiving holiday. So I arrived about 20 minutes before closing, made my selections and brought them to the counter when the owner said, “Rob,” (because it’s my local comic store, where they know me by name and ask me to remember that they can always supply that name to the police), “You’re my last customer before the holiday, and we both walk to and from here. How would you like to help me kill this bottle of Crown Royal?”

To be fair, it was only a pint bottle, but that is still more scotch than I normally polish off before dinnertime on a weeknight. And it has played hell with my analytical abilities vis a vis sequential visual entertainment, and made me totally forget that I promised to help with preparations for the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office Thanksgiving Feast.

tl;dr: Drank at my local comic store, where they know my by name and just bought themselves a quart of Crown Royal from me for Christmas, which means that this…


…means the end of our broadcast day.

But you gotta admit that that’s a good take of books to read while waiting for pie and pretending to pay attention to drunk Uncle Pete’s political proclamations and assertion of his rights as a sovereign citizen or whatever damn thing he read in a chain email he got from crazy Cousin Earl. There’s the concluding two issues of Jonathan Hickman’s Infinity crossover (and I’m gonna let you insert your own “finally,” here), a new issue of The Goon, a bunch of DC Zero Year and Forever Evil crossovers, a new Powers: Bureau, and a ton of other new stuff!

But before we can talk about any of them, the room needs to stop spinning enough so we can read them. So until that time…

…see you tomorrow, suckers!