I fully intended to put up a full review of Justice League #12 this evening to address the hookup between Superman and Wonder Woman, but I was unable to complete it in time because after reading it, I found myself unable to stop masturbating. Hell, as we speak I’m typing this with one hand, and you know what that means:
It means that this…
…means the end of our broadcast day.
However, being the approximate one year anniversary of DC’s New 52 launch, it means we have a bunch of cool shit to go over this week. We have annual issues for Flash, Detective Comics, and the final issue of Justice League International, along with a new issue of The Goon, the final issue of Brian Azzarello’s Spaceman, and a pile of other cool stuff!
But before we can review them, I need to finish looking at Wonder Woman and Superman and cranking myself chafed. Oh, and we need time to read them. So until the ointment arrives…
See you tomorrow, suckers!