Man Of Filthy, Dirty, Bootlegged Steel

We here at the Crisis On Infinite Midlives Home Office got excited by the sanitized and truncated Man Of Steel trailer from the The Dark Knight Rises screening trailer, but it really felt like a trailer built on practical footage, with the single special effects shot shoehorned in to prove it was an actual movie.

We thought that because we had too much to do, and too much self-respect, to spend nineteen hours in the Hall H lane to see whatever they were calling the “extended trailer” at SDCC. We figured that all there was to see would be in the Dark Knight theatrical trailer.

We were wrong.

After the jump, is a hand-filmed and certain-to-be-deleted video from the SDCC Hall H Man Of Steel panel, showing far more (badly focused) Superman footage than the actual theatrical trailer. So, until someone gets wise and yanks the footage: enjoy the Man Of Steel SDCC 2012 trailer, in rotten, unfocused cell phone video!

(Via NerdBastards)