How Can You Keep Them Down At The Comic Store Once They’ve Seen…

How can anyone be expected to give a shit about comic book superheroes when The Avengers movie opens in America on Friday?

(Recognizes cognitive dissonance) (Head explodes)

But impending comic movie geekgasm or no, it is still Wednesday, which means new actual comics, and which further means that this…


…is the end of our broadcast day.

But it is quite a week leading into Free Comic Book Day, ain’t it? There’s Round 3 of Avengers Vs. X-Men (Where Cyclops bites Captain America’s ear off. Or not), DC’s debut of Earth 2 (Featuring 100% of the Power Girl with nearly 0% of the cleavage), a new Daredevil and the first Peter Milligan-written Stormwatch, and a bunch of other good stuff!

But before we can review any of them, we need to read them. So until that time (Minus noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday, when we will be 3D-glasses blind watching Hulk Smash Loki)…

See you tomorrow suckers!