Back In The Saddle Again

Remember how cool it was last week when we found out after we bought comics that our local bar was closed so we had to stay sober, and we could post an immediate review? Yeah, that was last week. This week, we found out that they were closed so they could implement a new Happy Hour. And not just a Happy Hour, but one avec karaoke (‘Avec” is French for: “Too fucking classy to be arrested for doing”)!

Long story short: beer is good, and this week is readily available, which means that this…

…is the end of our broadcast day.

But things could be worse. Sure, we’re hammered, but that pile contains a new Justice League, a walking dead, new Flash, Justice League Dark, and a bunch of other cool stuff to praise / crap on!

But before we review them, first we gotta read them. So see you tomorrow, suckers!